About Me

My photo
Berlin, Germany
This blog acts as the digital wing of a series of sites that encompass Nick Simpson's photographic practice and theory...

6 November 2009

Some words...

  This is the first written post on this blog…

The ‘site’ http://nhsimpson.wordpress.com/ is designed to cover my artistic photographic practice… that includes analogue and digital projects that have been completed or are in production and the annotation/analysis of them. It also contains a photo-biography of sorts which tries to give an insight into my photographic past and what I have “achieved” between starting out in photography and the present (when the blog came into existence).

This blog Buy Some Film is intended to exhibit digital images I have taken since living in Berlin. Therefore less time is invested in commentary or analysis of these photographs, however, in the hope of building up a dialogue between the two sites there will some notes and links posted here that serve to join up and detail the different aspects of my profession. The Blog Title serves to remind me, and anyone else who uses digital photography – who looks back at the analogue media thinking something has been lost – to buy some film and try to work out what that lost thing is.

Everything that has been posted so far is basically a ‘best of’ from my Flickr page http://www.flickr.com/photos/nick_simpson/ which is currently under revision because my account (paid for annually) needs upgrading for the next year and I’m trying to find out if I can cope with a regular account. There were over 900 images on there but now it's limited to 200.

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